Eugene Bernard Costlow

Eugene Bernard Costlow

My Dad was taken by prostate cancer in August 1998.  He was a strong, quiet soul and He worked hard, as a Mink farmer in Adams Township, Pennsylvania.  I have to smile when I think of him and my Mom.  She would order his meals for him, when we went out.  She had the stronger personality.  He never complained.

He was in his 80’s; and had a pacemaker put in, the year before.  The Cardiologist was the only doctor he saw.  He noticed something was wrong, when the cancer closed off both his kidneys.  He had mowed the grass, on the riding mower, the day before he went into the hospital.

They were going to start radiation treatments, and his prognosis was dialysis for the rest of his life.  That Sunday, after a week in the hospital; he died quietly, with us there.  He was so active, and I know he wouldn’t have liked the dialysis.

I always viewed him in awe.  One look from him, and I would behave.  We became closer in the years that I took him to appointments, and grocery shopping.  That was our time together and I cherish them.  To one of God’s angels, I love you Dad.